So I'm really starting to get into a few different projects other than ball pythons. Mainly I want to get into Morelia- carpets(mostly JCP) and green tree(just waiting till I know the sex if my yearling).
So I have a "female" jungle that I am starting to think is a male, and I was wondering if anyone that lives on Long Island could help probe her for me. I really want to be 100% sure on the sex before i end up spending some money on male zebra to only find out my "female" is really a male.I would be willing to drive to you if your willing to help me. Just looking for someone who has some experience sexing adult carpet pythons.
I might end up doing it my self if the gf is willing to help, but would rather someone more experienced in carpet sexing to give their opinion.
If you can help me or know someone that is experienced with carpets that lives on Long Island(or close) let me know please and thank you