Quote Originally Posted by missriss2012 View Post
2 week update!

In the past two weeks through clean eating and exercise I have lost almost 5 pounds!

I joined a gym on Sunday (youfit, only $10 a month!), had my free hour Lon personal training session yesterday, and signed up to have a training session twice a week for the next year!

I'll be doing this weeks vlog later today.

I'll post that on here later for those of you that are interested

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Hi Marissa I dont know you at all , you seem like a very nice person and am not exactly sure how I ended up here I was just browsing the forums for something non snake related and caught your thread.

Anyway, I trained as a Kinesiologist a few years back and have been studying various other natural forms of healing etc it's just my thirst for knowledge I guess.

I would like to suggest something for you to add along with your current fitness and healthy eating regime. its called EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques and to break it down simply, it involves using ancient energy points (meridians) that run through every human beings body ( we are after all, just a mass of energy molecules and atoms after lol )

Using EFT involves tapping gently certain points on the face and body whilst dealing with energy blockages, it works by bringing to the surface all negative emotions associated with what is at the root cause of your current problem ( weight being the problem you are dealing with currently)

There are countless video's on you-tube with EFT instructors showing people how to do it and trust me it takes minutes to learn and it is an incredibly powerful natural tool you already possess and so easy to do.

My recommendation should you choose to look it up and try it, is look up both EFT and Affirmations as used in conjunction with each other is the most powerful natural motivating healing tool I have seen.

Its free, you don't need to buy anything all you need is an open mind and the intent to get to where you want to be.

otherwise best of luck and if there was one last thing I would say on leaving is a famous quote , he who says he cant, and he who says he can, are both right. What you think you are, is what you will ultimately become . Change your mind and change your future. ............sorry that was two extra things.

best wishes
