Hey, as most of you know I do not have my snakes at the moment for my medical reasons. But I went over to drop off more rats today and they are doing GREEAATT!!!!!! Unfortunately I was in such a rush to see them I forgot my camera THis is the first I've seen them in a MONTH!

Zeus: Well as you know he is my burmese python. He got MUCH thicker and longer! Hes filling nicely He just ate a large rat and WOW what a bulge on him! It took him a good half hour to take it down! He will be fed in about 2 weeks after this meal...unless ya'll think he should be fed in a week as usual? What I find the CUTEST about my guy is I'm the ONLY one who can get him out. He strikes out at my friend and anyone else! LOL

Rocky: Rock is my adult Ball PYthon. He is just as I left him......nice and round and around 3 1/2ft. He is about 4yrs old so he isnt gonna get much bigger. But he did eat right away for them YAY!

Athena: My female BCI is a trip! She is always out and about they say..just like at home She got a good 2-3 inches bigger and fatter too Shes really chubby I think shes gonna be a nice big 8 footer but ya never know. She also ate RIGHT away but she has always done this lol...she LOVES to eat

Thanks just thought I'd update for those interested

- Don (Oscar) Meyer