I'm just so excited! The female is a 2600+ gram (and still growing rapidly) 2 year old virgin, and the male is just over 1400 grams and is a proven breeder. Since he's been bred a few times already by the previous owner, I wasn't really worried about him, but I wasn't so sure about the female being ready yet. I put them together last night and after about 10 minutes, she was tail wagging like crazy. So, of course, I was jumping for joy since this is my first time attempting to breed. I checked on them this morning and they weren't even close to each other, but I just figured they would need a while since they ate the night before. I came home from work this afternoon, and they were locked and are still at it! Sorry the pictures aren't that great.. I just quickly took them with my phone, I didn't want to disturb them.
Anyway, here you go!

Together last night:

This afternoon: