Quote Originally Posted by Riv View Post
Thanks so much for he response! I only have the two ferreta at the moment. Both are male, My marshals ferret is about 8-9 monhs old if the petstore was correct about he age, and my rezcue is 3 and a half. He didnt have a potbelly when I got him, back then he didnt have even a little meat on him. The fat on his scruff was even too thin for me to scruff him properly. Hes still skinny as all get out, but its all going right to his belly. Let me see if ive got pictures on my phone.

ALSO! You should know that they dont have a cage. They sleep and eat in our bedroom and play in the rest of our house when we are home. They have food and water on the floor and and a litter box in the closet. We made them a kind of hammock bed, but they usually juat sleep with us in our bed. Hopefully that been technique will keep it mess fres for us haha.

Ah! I understand the pen now! Cage or pen, I would contain the dead prey in it so the ferrets cannot stash it elsewhere. But I still recommend using a container or tub for training them to eat live prey first. Maybe a container in the pen. Plus a container/tub allows the ferrets to focus in on the live prey. It gives them limited space for less distractions. (<-- at least until they learn how to eat the prey)

My ferrets were free roam too until they would get up and cause trouble in the middle of the night. Now, I only cage them at night and when I'm not home. My boys take naps in my bed with me, but my female is really independent and would rather sleep in the cage.

Quote Originally Posted by Mike41793 View Post
If i had a ferret id want it to play rough. Theyre fun to mess with, i think an aggressive one would be funny lol!
I dont think id ever be able to own one, let alone sleep with one haha.
It's no different than sleeping with a dog or cat. Ferrets love to cuddle. haha.