I need to do an emergency tub set up today (long story below). Is there any place to buy a thermostat locally? I have the expected stores around - Walmart, petsmart/co, HD, Lowes.

I'm a single snake kind of gal. We have a nice, custom melamine enclosure outfitted with RHP (on a hydro farm stat). Little Monty managed to escape from it a 2nd time the 2nd week of June. The first time I had assumed the sliding door must have been not quite closed but luckily he turned up just a few days later. The 2nd time I know for a fact the door was completely closed. The only thing we could figure was he pushed his way *between* the overlap of the sliding doors. I could just barely force my finger there, it couldn't haven felt good for him but that's the only place he could have squeezed out. We searched and searched. Tried all the recomended tricks. No Monty.

Because he was never a good eater, he was a tiny thing without much in the way of reserves. After two months I felt there was no hope for him.

Last week I came across someone needing to rehome their collection. Since I'm not interested in breeding, I was happy to take his very friendly, very big normal. He's in great shape, well cared for, owner had personal reasons he had to give them up. Cocoa came home Tuesday.

You can see where this is going I'm sure. Guess who I found sitting right out in the middle of the room last night? I actually thought it was a toy snake for a second because he was just THERE out in the open. Poor little dude's face was covered in dust bunnies and he's SO skinny! Gave him a quick dip in warm water, got him in a plastic shoebox with water & a hide. He took a loooong drink and ate a fuzzy. I have him in a room with no AC (about 80-82) but will be getting a tub set up for him today. Eventually I'll get a PVC cage & RHP for Monty too but have to budget for that!