So the other day, I wanna say Wednesday, I found a great deal on Kingsnake. 1.0 mojave and 0.1 pastel, $150 each plus shipping. I shoot the guy an email (no names for now, I'll get to why later) asking for weights and more pictures. I never got a reply, so the next day, I called (I'm really nervous about talking on the phone, so I usually email/text first. Regardless, on with the story.) The breeder answers the phone and I explain that I was interested in the mojave and pastel if they were still available, and I explained that I had sent an email but hadn't got a reply. Breeder tells me he'll log on and reply, and we can work out a deal from there. He says (in the email) he'll sell them to me for $275 shipped, and I reply saying that I'm in on the deal, and that I'd love to make a purchase. No reply for two days. So, I called again. He answers, but the connection is really poor, so either he hung up, or the line was dropped. I waited a few minutes and called again, but there was no answer. The next day, (so what, we're on Saturday? Either Saturday or Friday.) I call again, and still don't get an answer, so I leave a message explaining that I had emailed him about the snakes and that I wanted to make a purchase, so I left my name and number, get back to me soon please, etc. I re-sent the email later that day, thinking it was mistaken for spam.

Fast-forward to today, Sunday. Still no reply, and no answers when I call. I tried calling from my house phone and my cell phone, and the phone always rings out to voice mail. I found the breeder on Facebook and sent him a message there explaining in a nutshell what I've just typed out, and that I'm still interested in a purchase if the animals are available. I only sent the message about an hour ago, so I haven't got a reply yet. His time-zone is only an hour behind mine, so it's not like I'm calling at unreasonable hours in the night or something.

I've heard nothing but good about this breeder. I guess that's the kicker? I really don't want to be the guy who brings a great breeder down, but this just isn't what good breeders do. What should I even do in this situation? There's only one contact number, one email, and one Facebook. Am I being ignored? I never did anything in the beginning to warrant being ignored, I mean, hell, I told him I would love to buy these animals, I still do.