I'm going through the same thing you are - hair everywhere. My reds never blow their coat quite properly, though - does yours? I've seen many a blue but only owned the reds and I've seen the traditional blowing of the coat on the blues. My reds have never done it quite like that. Or, perhaps, I just can't see it as well.

Wont be shaving my girl, though. I can live with the hair just fine - girlfriend doesn't appreciate it on her black uniform, though.... Haha.

Also - I worked in a grooming salon for a little while. Many people wanted breeds such as Beagles (most commonly, oddly) shaved and the groomers always told them that there was a chance that it would not grow back and if it did - it wouldn't grow back the same. An above poster said this wasn't true. Why not? Makes sense that if you cut, say, a Poodle whose hair grows consistently, not unlike a human, it will grow back. But a dog that doesn't have such a hair type - explain how it grows back, if you don't mind? I like big explanations! And I love to learn.