I had a question concerning high temperatures and their effects on snake behavior. I have to 1.5yo Bull snakes, a wild type male and an albino female. Generally, they have a very complacent disposition and are never prone to threat displays or aggression. On occasion the male will become upset and hiss mildly, and sometimes rattle, but never does he strike or take it any further than a mild, "hey, leave me alone" sort of thing. The female has been absolutely amazing, never has she displayed or anything, she's always been a sweetheart.

But all of the sudden, accompanying a heat spike in the weather, she has become an absolute terror. Before I even open her cage, she's hissing absurdly loud, rattling and striking. It seems to me that the heat has brought on these behavior changes, but I could be wrong. Is my girl just stressed from the heat, or could her personality be changing for some reason? Nothing about her husbandry has changed, except that it's now hotter as the AC can't keep up with the weather. I'm under the assumption this is normal and she'll calm down as it cools down, but still I'm worried this little sweety is turning into a demonic nether serpent from realms beyond. Anyone's input is welcome, Pituophis related or not. I'm curious of other keeper's experiences