Was talking to a buddy this morning & he told me he ordered a Sterilite 1860/1960 Series the 6tub for $390 + $75 shipping. I was debating on possibly ordering one to replace my homemade on I built. It seems that it would allow them more stable temps & offer them a more secure feeling.

My only concern is the air flow in the closed design, last summer my tubs were 60-70% humidity with the open design homemade rack & about 60 holes per tub & a ceiling fan running 24/7.

Also I couldn't find any info but with the belly heat option using flexwatt is it one single piece just snaked around, or multiple pieces daisy chained?

I was debating on possibly building a closed design out of xpvc but after pricing materials to build a 6 tub, it would be just a little more to just buy it already made & it would look a lot better too im sure!
