I've only had her for about a month, and I gave her about two weeks and two meals to settle in to her new home. She bites me every time I try to get her out, unless I can get her moving and scoop her from the middle of her body. She also will occasionally turn and bite me while handling if I move my hand up to support her somewhere within a mile of her head.

She's at the point where she draws blood occasionally, and she's the first snake I've ever owned that's actually tagged me at all.

You say yours eventually calms down after some time out? That seems like he will eventually get better. Corndog never really calms down, she just flails when you support her anywhere within 6 inches of her head and if she ever sits still for a few seconds, then when you move at all she bites you.

Moral of the story: it could be worse. It will definitely get better. Just handle him often. At least that's what I'm going to do.