Well I just weighed my ball pythons Captain Hook and Ivan. Ivan who is six months old came in at 178 grams, i'm not as surprised because he's only six months old and he was malnourished when I got him. At two feet and only eating hoppers and the lady said she had upped his food size recently. Well Captain Hook is what shocks me the most. She is one year and the months old and she came in at a whopping.....288 grams. The brother of the friend who I got her from said he didn't feed her at all for at least three months straight. And looking back, she wasn't much bigger than a hatchling when I got her at six months old. I'm thinking he only fed her a couple times or few times and then got bored and didn't feed her for the whole rest of the time, either that or he only feed her a few times during the entire six months but not all in the beginning. Plus she broke her jaw at ten months and wouldn't eat for a whole two months. So my guess is that she's only had about six months of actual growth time. What can I do to pack on weight other than to put her on a five day schedule?