So my KSB is on his 5th day of hunger strike. I am trying every other day and not messing with him much. He was such a great eater when I got him, eating 1-2 f/t fuzzies a week. Now he shows no interest.

Also, if I hold him to his water, he will drink for a long time. Skin is a tad ghosty, but not that ghosty yet if he's thinking about shedding.

He is in a 30 gallon tank by himself. I have an UTH in a little section for him, which he always chooses to bury himself at. I took the temp of it today and it was at 93, so I turned it down just a bit. I can't imagine that being the problem since he can go anywhere and pick his temp. He is in about 4 inches of aspen bedding.

When I get him out his tongue flickers and he seems fine, strong, moves around a little bit, seems pleasant. But he won't eat!!!! He LOVES to drink the water and then dunks his head under it. whyyyyyy?????