We just bought our first ball python last week and we cannot seem to raise the humidity high enough. We've been looking online trying to figure out what to do to fix it, but nothing seems to be working. We have an large exo terra tank 36x18x18, two hides (cool side and warm side), aspen substrate, UTH & a red 50w ceramic light(the UTH wasn't enough) and a water dish. With all of this we were running 86-88 temp and only high 30-low 40% humidity. So we bought a waterfall hoping to increase the humidity, but it lowered it now without misting its getting down to 24%. We have a mesh lid and have the cool side covered. I'm starting to wonder if we are missing something completely obvious to solving this problem. I really like this snake and I don't want to him to get sick because of something were are missing. FYI we have a Flukers digital hydrometer placed on the warm side middle of the glass, if this info is handy???
Any info would be grateful