So the Spider I know is 100% a spider, and shes a beautiful one at that, always receiving compliments and what not. I am also pretty sure the yellow belly is a yellow belly, a third I don't know, and the 4th I was told is a pastel and was wondering if he was simply a pastel or a blonde pastel...

This is the pastel, he was hatched a month ago today. His head is very grey which is what was leading me to think hes more than just a pastel, if not, no worries in a couple years Ill be able to breed him to the spider and they'll make nice hatchlings...

The spider, shes only about a month old as well.

these are the yellow belly...I have no idea how old he is, but hes eating small-med adult mice once a week to give you an idea of his size

and the last is this female, she is so similar to the yellow belly so I was wondering if she was that or just a normal, if she is just a normal, she is at least still beautiful, shes only about half the size of the yellow belly, and double the size of the two babies

those pictures are the only ones i have of that female, just got her earlier this afternoon for about 30 dollars at a local petstore, they had no idea what i was asking when i got her but shes healthy and has a great temperament

let me know what you guys think, i would really appreciate some input=)