I finally had my rat colonies going full steam. 4 groups of 1.3. In the past week, I've lost 3 entire litters to cannibalism/starvation.

Last week I had a what I assume to be a small litter of 5 or 6 that were eaten. I didn't discover it till after the fact so I have no clue who in the group did it. Another group of rats had a littler that seemed to be slowly dropping off. I think the mother wasn't producing enough milk and the others weren't nursing them. They were all really skinny and seemed to rarely have milk in their bellies. Last night I decided to move what was left of those babies in with another group who had a litter of 13 babies yesterday. Today I woke up to check on them, and most of the skinny ones had died, and every single other baby had been eaten except for one. I've heard from a lot of different breeders that their rats do just fine in groups without separating pregnant mothers. But I seem to be having bad luck with that the past couple weeks. It's hard to track down who is actually the culprit to replace in each group.

All the rats had plenty of food/water and I keep them in a room that stays at a constant 80-83 degrees. Does anyone have any suggestions?