So I'm kinda freaking out a little bit right now. I read not to put tape in snake enclosures and I decided anyway to use a small piece to hold the thermostat cord at the top of my KSB's enclosure as I though she wouldn't climb. I've had her for about two and a half months now and it hasn't been a problem, but tonight it was. She managed to get to the top of the enclosure around the thermostat cord and stick herself to the tape. Luckily I was awake when it happened. I got in the enclosure and unstuck the tape from the wall and brought her out and removed the tape as gently possible. Unfortunately it took a few scales with it and left some residue on her stomach. She seems relatively fine, but I'm not completely sure and was wondering if this will be a problem. I have only been keeping snakes for about three months now and am really worried for her.
Lesson learned, all tape has been removed from the enclosure.