Of course, the rat that I bought from a rattery (thinking "oh, it's a rattery, they must be healthy and extremely taken care of") started the mite infestation! Well, I had noticed there were tiny little scabs on her ears when I got her, but as I had never had a rat with mites before and was oblivious to it, I thought she had just been playing rough or something (dumb, I know).
Well, she was around my breeders and feeders for only a very short time (I know, I know, dumb again. QUARANTINE!). Well, the short time was enough and now I have bins and bins full of rats with mites. Awesome. And quite a few of those bins are mama rats with babies.
I have a few questions....
I've searched for mites in this section and have seen ivermectin mentioned a lot. But I've also seen that that kills babies. I don't want to do that. What is the best thing to use to treat the mamas and babies that won't kill the youngin's? How soon after treating them can I feed them off? And what is the best thing to use for the other rats (that don't have babies)? And how soon, If I need to, can I feed those off?
I am so over these stupid bugs and want them gone.