I got my signed waiver back and now I'm officially certified to ship live harmless reptiles and amphibians. It was a lot easier than I thought. I started on Nov. 23rd by making a FedEx account. I filled out the test package application and sent out my test package on Dec.7th. I shipped from the FedEx location that takes it directly to the airport so that way I could get acquainted with the people there for when I do ship. Just my luck, i asked the lady who processed my package if she was familiar with shipping snakes and I told her that this is a test package I'm shipping so I can get certified, and she said, "I LOVE SNAKES!" I got her name so when I do ship I can make sure she's there because all the other people there were not as thrilled to hear the word snake as she was. She also told me that this location was one of the only locations around in the area that would ship reptiles. On Dec. 13th I got the email and form showing me my package had passed and was told I would be contacted by a sales rep to follow up on the legal paperwork. On Dec. 23rd i received the Live animal waiver via email, I signed it and sent it back the next day on Christmas eve. Today I got it emailed back to me signed by my rep and I'm officially certified.