I've had my Betta for almost three years now. Always very active and responsive. For the last few months he has slowed down a little bit, but only I, who looks at him every day, would probably notice. However, for the last couple of days he has been swimming on his side, and doesn't seem to want to eat or swim around much. I've thought him dead more than twice now, and have had to tap on the aquarium to get him going again.

A flashlight and a close look reveal nothing, and I've already done a water change. I also put him in a separate bowl overnight with water (about 80 degrees) and some salt. No change.

Is this swim bladder disorder? He doesn't appear to be suffering, but there is definitely something wrong. I also realize he is getting old, for a betta.

His current setup is a 1.7 gl aquarium with a filter, silk plant and a hide/ornament. Other than the water and keeping the tank clean, I haven't made any changes to it in a long time. I feed him a pinch of betta food pellets OR freeze-dried worms every day, except Sunday (no food).