My BP has been off feed for 2 weeks now (3 on thursday) and showed signs of shedding yesterday (pink belly and neck wrinkle). He has put on a little more than 100g since his last shed (ended 7 weeks ago) but did not go off feed last time when either shedding or going into shed. I have had him for almost 3 months and never had him skip a feed or even not have a bowel movement on schedule. I am assuming no rats in = no rats out, and am not that worried about him not eating as he has not lost any weight, but he is only 11 months old and he shouldn't be seasonally off feed yet, right?

All of his husbandry has been unchanged and spot on (save 1 power outage which lowered the temp to about 76 degrees for 2 hours) with ambient temps low 80s, cool side substrate high 70s, hot spot low 90s and humidity upper 50s. His tank and hides have remained the same, and I do not handle him very often (maybe 1/2 hour 2 times a week). He showed interest in the rat, both live and dead, but never struck (after I tried freshly killing the rat and offering it to him I found some sort of infestation on the rat so the snake might have sensed that it was unhealthy - and I did disinfect the rat container and the tank has already been treated with provent a mite).

Should I be worried about him not feeding? I figure the initial refusal could be due to the power outage and the later one due to an impending shed, so hopefully he'll be back to "normal" late next week, but does anyone think that I may want to look into a vet visit. He hasn't lost weight, holding steady between 500 and 510g; he just doesn't seem interested and is a little more ornery than usual (par for the course if he is going into shed).
