I'll try and be quick here: I own a crested gecko. Many people know an excellent way to give a crestie an "all-in-one" diet is to give them the powdered gecko food which you mix with water.

Here's the problem: it attracts fruit flies like MAD! I have them all over the place and refuse to continue feeding my gecko this diet (which I feel horrible for, since he's stuck eating dusted crickets) until I figure out what to do.

Did I just get a bum brand? I can't recall the name of it to help you guys out, but have any of you had this problem before? The fruit flies love to lay their eggs in the mixture and a bajillion disgusting larvae are the result of it. It also makes his enclosure REEK. As soon as I removed the dish and cleaned it, NO smell, whatsoever.

I'm so frustrated, because to get rid of the flies entirely, I'll have to spray my home, which is DANGERDANGERDANGER to pets unless you remove them for more than an hour, which I can't do. GAH.