Quote Originally Posted by CoolioTiffany View Post
I want to see how people feel when feeding their snakes mice, rats, bunnies, ASFs, etc.

How do YOU feel when your feeding your snake a (F/T, PK, or live) mouse or a rat? Personally, to me, I don't really feel anything. I don't like rodents, I'm not scared or freaked out by them, I just don't like them. I don't find them cute, I just see them as snake food when I'm just about to put it into the snake enclosure.

i kind of feel the same way then i rember all the money spent on the mice (even though i breed my own snake lizard and turtle food. spend all that time setting up there cages cleaning cages feeding them then pick them up flip then in the head then watch the cycle of life(never have figured out why long term captive snakes still constrict there prey.(got one green tree python she does it if the prey dont move for hours so literly got to reach in and grab the preys tail and wiggle it for a lil bit for her to eat it) but none the less to me aint no different then a cow or chicken lamb or pig raise them then send them off for food. i have found depending where you go to get even mice got to be careful of what you say or some-places wont sell to you like petsmart told them i wanted some for breeders to feed to my snakes cause only mice they had was like 5 bucks so asked them if i could get a cheaper price cause i was just going to breed the females to make snake food for my pets and they refused to sell to me and even asked me to never come in there store in Kalamazoo MI again and the funny part was they had snakes for sell to. and rabbits are even harder to get for feeders here got to go to farm supply auctions and buy a few dozen at a time and breed them till you run out but mention your going to feed a snake with it then they want allot more money or down right refuse to sell to you