My name is Valerie, I just turned 25, and I obtained my 1st ball python on February 13th of this year. I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has ever given any helpful information. I did a lot of research before I purchased my snake and this site was extremely helpful to me, and it still is.

Let's move onto the good stuff. I named my snake "Bones". Not because he was skinny, but just because he looked like that's what his name should be, haha! Not to mention my affinity for skulls, skeletons and Halloween stuff in general. I got him from Petco. I know a lot of you frown upon any mention of Petco, but that doesn't matter to me. The Petco in the town I live in is one of the best pet stores I've seen. Their animals are well cared for and due to my research before I purchased my snake, I found that the people in the reptile section were decently knowledgable. Bones is a happy, non-aggressive and healthy snake. He has imprinted upon mice, but that doesn't bother me too much. I am just happy that he's such a wonderful eater.

To tell you a little about myself, I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love more than anything. My snake is currently the only snake we have at this time, but we're looking to get a male beardie sometime in the not-so-distant future and I absolutely cannot wait! Not only are we herp enthusiasts, we're car enthusiasts. He fully restored a '63 Impala that he sadly no longer has, but he made up for it with an '09 Honda CBR600. I have two Ford Mustangs; a stock '93 LX and a modded '05 GT. Go fast things and reptiles are our shared loves, haha!

Anyway, I feel like that is enough to say. I have some pictures of Bones on my camera but I just haven't uploaded them yet. I will have some up shortly. I'm glad to finally be a part of this forum after "lurking" for so long and I look forward to posting with you all.