I bought a female pastel BP from a reputable breeder exactly two weeks ago. She is just over 900g and over 2 years old. The breeder said she was a good eater but he could not get her to eat F/T rats, just F/T mice. She ate two 25g mice for me today and I am just happy she ate after having her for a short period of time. I am going to attempt to get her to eat F/T rats and scenting them with the F/T mice. BUT, if she does not, will she still gain good weight if she continues to eat 2 F/T adult mice each week? I am trying to get her to 1500 grams so she can breed this winter. I would think the mice should get her to a healthy weight in 5+ months. Do any of you have adult BP's that only eat mice? Thanks for any information and/or advice.