Quote Originally Posted by king216 View Post
Wow now that... Is a snake, how are they behavior wise? Do they make good pets?
Generally speaking, no. They are the heaviest body snake in the world and second in recorded length ~ 33'. This makes for a very strong snake that at the size I'm holding one, if it wanted its way, it would win - even with two handlers - unless of course the handlers were folks like those seen on tv.

Most of the green anacondas that I've "met" - their owners don't trust their snakes. Generally speaking this snake species isn't predictable or docile, tough there are some exceptions (such as the one I was holding in the pix above, and Jewskin's young snake). I'd say do a ton of homework on them before getting one. And do try to see a large live one in person to understand the strength of the animal and see what you would be getting into. Oh, and they are aquatic, love their water, so if you wanted to keep one as a pet, keep in mind that you should provide a water basin that is large enough for them to fully submerge themselves. I hope this helps and I didn't provide TMI, I'm just trying to dissuade you without being domineering.