lol I guess my het pied male done the job lol My female shed on the 15 and in shed again and she gotten a lot bigger than before. so here to hoping that in the next 30some days after shed she drops me a large clutch of many pieds. lol She was about 1800 grams when I started pairing her with the male ( back in Oct.) and I just removed hime for his 3 day break lol. I will place him back in with her once I see she has shed just to make sure until I can feel eggs or she drops the clutch ( which ever happens first) and the great part has been that he eating when I place him in his tub and offer food lol.. last year he skipped eating until about mid march.

but I found it great( odd ) that she shedding 2x in a 14 day period, so here hoping.