I want to get a russian tortoise for christmas as a present to myself and i hav been researching for quite a while.. and i just want to make sure i have everything right. im getting an 09 incase anyone was wondering.

this is the list:

50 gallon storage tote
50/50 mix of coir and play sand(substrate)
timothy hay(some all around the cage to eat)
a water bowl that he/she can walk into
food dish
peice of cuttlebone
T-Rex active heat UVB 100 watt(heating and UVB combined)
Light lamp/clamp
TNT tortoise nutrition pouder
2 digital thermometers
2 identical hides
One 09 russian tortoise!

Also have a few questions:

How many times a day do i use the TNT on their food?

Is the T-rex 100 wat UVB/Heat going to be enough to heat the enclosure to the required 90-95*?

How many times do i feed a day, and how much?
How often do i do a complete change of the substrate?(not including spot cleaning)

i think thats it..let me know if i missed anything.

thanks in advance