So I have been undecided on if my Female Lepidus was gravid. Tonight I caught her in what i thought was givng birth. Turns out she was passing a four inch very mucusy piece of stool, so I thought. I leave to go watch the Cowboy game, and come home to a single baby still in the yoke sack. I decided to open the sack, and the baby emerged very shortly after.The stool looking stuff is gone. It must of been slugs, and the female ate them. The mom is acting very weird towards the baby, almost like it were prey. I took the baby and remaining yoke out. A strike from mom would surely kill the baby. Did I do the right thing? I am concerned there might of been more babies and she possibly ate them with the slug/stool looking thing. Wish I would of stayed home, I was so close to witnessing her giving birth...

Here is a pic of mom. I have not taken one of baby yet. I am trying not to disturb mom to much incase there are more babies.