First off, I'm so pleased to find such a knowledgeable forum! I hope you all will be able to have patience with my newbie questions

I was offered a Ball Python by someone who no longer wished to care for her I opted to do some research about them prior to agreeing. The more I've read about these creatures, the more I realize just how wrong her current set up is. I've always wanted a reptile, and I happen to have the time & space for one, so I saw this as a moment of opportunity for both the snake and myself.

She is approx 5 years old, and is currently living in a 20g(long) tank. Though I've read this size is acceptable, I assume she would enjoy more space. Her previous owner provided no hides, a small light to keep the tank warm & no thermometer. I don't feel this is acceptable for such a gorgeous snake!

Over the next week I'm going to be gathering the materials for her new home. I plan to set it up next weekend. I will be using a 45g glass tank- I used to use it years ago for fish, it is in excellent condition. I would LOVE suggestions! I also have some questions...

-I've read that wire tops are not the best to use, what should I use?

-I need to pick out a hide (or two?), in another thread someone suggested this; I really like it, but I'm unsure what size my snake would prefer.

-The room I'm keeping her in is the warmest room of my house. The temperature in her cage seems to get as high as 85F, is this too hot? Most places I've read I should keep the cool side of her cage high 70s, and the warm side low 80s.

Here is a short video of her in her current set up. I believe her colours & patterns are normal, but I'm not a pro. I would love to hear what you all think of her

YouTube - MVI 4190

(Sorry I posted a novel lol)