I'm chuckling over in another thread about the newbie mistakes a couple of us made, which has me wondering what other newbie mistakes have been made.

Thank goodness our BPs aren't terribly fragile and survived our first few weeks of cluelessness. (This is week #4 for me, and I may well still be in that clueless mode, although not as bad as during week #1. I was downright paranoid and frazzled at the time!)

So, what were some of the silly mistakes you made during your first week or so of snake ownership that your patient snakey had to endure? (Would especially like to hear from longtime experts who once were newbies.)

One of mine was continuing to feed hopper mice, which the prior owner had been feeding. Am happy to report that Patriot is going from being shaped like an eel to being shaped like a round BP should be.
