People will spout off about the metabolism slowing, the weight gain, the 'lazyness'...but a dog's metabolism slows down when it reaches adulthood. Thus, you are supposed to reduce their food intake accordingly in order to keep your dog on a *healthy weight*...many people free feed their dog, or continue to feed them the same amount they were devouring as growing puppies, hence the weight gain! Weight gain is most often at the hands of the owner, NOT the sterilization procedure.

A few reasons why you SHOULD neuter:

CANCER. Thats a big one. Particularly in rare, pure-bred dogs--they are more prone to it, their gene pool is shallower. Now yours is cross bred, but the bully breeds are ones in which cancer can be found most regularly. It will be healthier for your dog.

Also, it will make your dog more accepting of others entering your home 'pack'...and likewise make your other dogs more accepting of it. You're right about the breeding part, your dog will be more biddable, more trainable, when its not focusing on the :cens0r::cens0r::cens0r::cens0r::cens0r: in heat down the road.

You need not worry about the protective drive being diminished...if the dog was bred for protection you can rest assured he will prolly be doing what he was bred for...if dogs only worked because they weren't fixed, we'd be swimming in puppies. This also prevents any accidental litters, your dog will be less likely to roam, and run away.