I finally named her!

She's fast and hard to take pics of, but she was relatively calm today. I think she is getting used to me.

She loves to rattle her tail... ahem... I mean *vibrate* Okay, well she TRIES to be intimidating, but just comes off as being cute. She's all bluff anyways, and has never tried to bite me.

And here's her setup, I'm pretty excited about how this turned out. Believe it or not we got this 20 long tank, the screen top, and that nice rock in there from a dumpster! I spent hours SCRUBBING that thing... it was covered in old nasty coco bedding, reptile poop, and pieces of shed. Soaked everything in bleach solution, then in water for many hours... Let everything dry for what seemed like forever. FINALLY, here is the result - after all the dirt was gone, not a scratch or a crack on it! The things people throw away - crazy!!

It's not totally done. I want to add some climbing vines or branches too.

She LOVES it... way better than the tub she was in. She was on a hunger strike until I moved her into this, now she eats every week like clockwork.

Okay... that's my story... enjoy