I didn't want to take over the other thread, so here are my own pictures from the DZ. Mind you, I don't have a very good camera...

Lioness at the window

Female hyena

Arctic fox posing

Polar bear

Shy Red Panda (hardest animal to get pictures of there)

Ostrich and Zebra

Penguin parade

Stellar Sea eagle

Sentry at the post (male Mandrill)

Big guy

Being watched

At the watering hole

Shy Okapi

And finally, the reptiles!
Komodo male

Nile monitor

More monitors

Alert lizard (related to Uros)

The biggest Ali snapper I've ever seen!

A cute tropical lizard

Rattler yawn

King Cobra (post shed)

Tiger snakes

Very nice Viper

Baby adder


Blending in

Af Rock (or most of him)

The Gaboon

Well, that's what I have so far. Every time I go I try for better pictures, so there may be others posted here in the near future.