Introducing Taborri (it means voices that carry) She is a Turkish Angora mix who came to us in a random cruelty case I was working on about 2 years ago. She has peca (randomly eats odd things she shouldn't) and while we were spaying her we also came across an emergency foreign body removal surgery (we pulled coins, paperclips, sponges and unidentified objects) She sadly had a reaction to the anesthesia and her blood pressure dropped, in turn here temp dropped dangerously low. After getting her all stitched up we were unable to raise her body temp high enough (she was a 91!, very low for cats, they should be at least ten degrees higher then that) to be able to give her the reversal.
Our poor girl was in a coma for two + hours. Luckily with the whole vet hospital staff we were able to get her to warm enough for the reversal.
That night she was back to her own ways trying to eat random objects...
She's been doing fine since other then a large stomach scar. She loves talking and loving everyone who comes over.
Ok, just thought I'd share.