Quote Originally Posted by aSnakeLovinBabe View Post
I will jump in here and say that the one thing to remember about hognoses is that they are active, on the go snakes. They USE the space you give them. My little boy sledge, he crawls around all day and never, ever stops! He digs, he moves stuff around, but he is very active most of the time, Ever since he was a little egglette. You could keep a similar sized snake that is less active in a small enclosure and that snake would be completely comfortable. An adult female will grow far too large for a 10 gallon, in my opinion, even a 20 long. Similar to female ribbon snakes, they actually get a lot bigger than people think they may. A male COULD live in a 10 gallon but I personally would bump him up once he was nearing full grown simply because they LIKE space and use it. They don't absolutely need it but I have no doubts that in a ten gallon tank, my male would be climbing glass all day long.
I remember when I had a smaller one, I kept him/her on aspen and it was always neat how the aspen was all flattened out, and you could see the burrow holes.