Hey i just started breeding mice. I only hav 2 snakes(im getting a 3d). Mice are like 5 buks were i live so ya..

i hav 1.1 in a 15qt tub to breed. How long would you say itl take from the time i put themm together to the time she gives birth? Here are a few videos of my mice breeders and setups. Im just a beginner so let me know what im doing right or wrong. I reaserched and hav had mice b4 just not bred them. My plans are that im going to breed the 1.1, and when she has babies im gona let them grow and feed them to the snakes. But if i hav 2 snakes and am feeding each snake 1nce every 5-7 days, would it make sence after i get my first clutch to keep breeding again so i dont run out? U know wat here are the vids. hope someone replies.
YouTube - Mouse Breeding Future Plans
YouTube - Mouse Breeding Project P1