Almost every forum ends up with one of these threads every so often. Generally it's because someone wants to be dramatic while leaving. They've already made up their mind about whatever reason they're leaving, so the thread is useless, but they feel the need to be KICKED out, rather than just leave.

The response to the girlfriend was unprofessional, and baiting in the wording. I was disappointed to see that post. She was going to leave anyway, it was clear, and she was disrespectful in her post, that was clear. But the response was taunting and disrespectful, and I would have hoped to see a more professional sounding moderate response.

Since she was only here to throw one last defense of her boyfriend, it's little loss. It's sad that the OP felt the need to leave, since I'm sure he has valuable knowledge to share. But it's his decision to leave and share his knowledge and opinions elsewhere. I'm certain the site will survive without him.

Even this forum will have these little flare ups from time to time, it's the nature of a internet forum site. It's how it's handled that matters. Most users will probably glance at it, think 'Oh internet dramas' and go back to the threads about snakes and frogs and turtles that interest them, so I doubt it will affect anything in the long run.

*Yawns* I'll go check the chatbox and see who wants to say Good Morning now.