Well, I'm hoping to hook up a DIY incubator, and I have everything except some form of control for the heat output (well, that and the glass for the window). Everyone talks about wiring dimmers, but, are there any type of dimmer switches that are a simple plug in, where you can plug the dimmer switch into the wall, then plug your heat source into the dimmer switch? I don't really want to get into all of the wiring, I'm just afraid to mess something up. I know, people always say it's so easy, but I just don't want to risk it, I'd rather spend a few extra bucks for one that is premanufactured. So, if there are such things out there, is there a special name for them? What section at Walmart would I be able to get them? If not at Walmart, where else (Lowes?) and what exact section would they be in? If absolute worst comes to worse, I can have my step-dad wire one for me, as he's an actual electrician, but like I said, I'd rather purchase a premanufactured one.