Just reshowing my girls.

DaKota is my heart dog (a rescue).
I got her when she was 1 1/2 yrs. old. Now 9 1/2 yrs. old.
I got her from a neighbor that was moving & dropping all their dogs (5 of 'em) off on the highway. My Boy Friend felt bad, because DaKota looked the worst of them. She looked like death was knocking on her door. She was only 33lbs. She was sevrely beaten my the teen boys. We orginally were going to give her the diginity & just have her put to sleep at my Boy Friend's work.
The Vet asked why? And I ended up with the best dog ever! I never knew she was pure bred til I took her to work & bathed her!
2 1/2 hours to bathe her & with 3 of us working on her!
Come to find out, the teen boys use to pour scaulding hot water on her when she barked!
She is alot of fun! We both (DaKota & I) are always learning something about each other everyday!
I obedience trained her myself. She has a canine good citizen certficate. We done Sheep Herding too! That was really fun, until she decided to take a break & sit on the electric fence. She just adores my daughters & other family members alot!
I even got to find her pedigree. I love learning about the different
German Shepherds on it.

Next is Glitzie. Our Hogdog.
She is the cutest little beast!
I got her from a client at my work.
She was boarding with us 90% of the time they had her & they realized it wasn't fair to her.
They asked if I could take her. I don't vacation much & if I did my dogs go too.
I never owned a small dog before her. She is awesome!
She runs circles around DaKota & keeps up on hikes too!
I also like the fact that she has no enemies & loves everyone & everthing!

I also just have to show off Fury. My sister's Bulldog. I am just amazed by her! I've always thought these mush faces were couch potatoes. NOT! Not this one anyways. LOL This girl too, has no enemies! She also came all the way from Russia!
