Hey Y'all!!!

So sorry for the downtime tonight! But I hope you'll find it was worth the effort!

Have you ever noticed that our site has the rare distinction of not having a single inactive forum? Some are definitely busier than others....but not one single forum goes more than a few days without having something new show up. And they're all getting busier than ever!!

SO....I thought maybe I'd add a bunch of new forums and see if we can fill those up as well!! If you don't usually use the Forum Index to browse the site....please take a look when you get a chance.


We've added SEVENTEEN new forums!! And EIGHT new sub-forums! Try to find them all! And maybe you can be the first one to post!

The staff WILL be moving threads around a lot over the next several days, so please be patient with that process. All the standard Rules and Terms of Service of the site apply to all the new forums.

If you should run into any technical glitches, please let me know ASAP! If I'm not online, tap any staff member on the shoulder and we'll try to get the issue resolved as quickly as we can.