Just wanted to share my 2.5gal divited beta tank, these guys are on my nightstand and loooove to stare at me in the morning-

I bought the tank at a flea market a couple years ago and made a plexiglass divider at work, also they absolutely love the pvc pipes! I bought the submersible filters somehwere online about a year ago and they are the greatest things ever, completely quiet and the water stays crystal clear. The cover is a little off-kilter because my LED lights all burned out so I'm using one of those tap lights and it takes up too much space (there's another peice of plexi over the divider to prevent jumping)

This guy is the older of the two, he's probably 1.5-2 years old, I can't remember. He's really more green and white than the picture shows but nothing came out clear using the flash. He's gotten really fat... my mom's been feeding him while I was away for the past 2.5 months.

This guys is only a few months old but is growning really fast.

Thanks for looking