Hello all, I'm new here so i thought I would introduce my meager boa collection so far. I hope to answer any questions i can and ask many!

Here is my gravid boa, she was free [yay] Lizzy is 6-7 years old and close to 20 lbs and 7'. She's gravid via breeder loan [DH ghost] from Scott Spellmen [awesome guy] He's really been a doll throughout my first breeding ordeal.

My newly-acquired Pastel male. Our Pittsburgh show is small, so i was so lucky to find a male perfect breeding size for $125. He'll be Lizzy's mate this coming year. Named Thor.

starting to shed

And my newest female, she was $25 from a local that had no idea what he was doing. She is currently getting over a RI. Nothing i haven't dealt with before, she should be eating a well-deserved meal by next week.

I am also on a waiting list for a Male Sunkist laddertail from High end herps. He'll be Lizzy's mate when old enough and the pastel will get the younger one.
So that's it until I'm smothered in babies! Hope you enjoy!