I have a Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra for sale. Its a hard drive based player that uses a laptop hard drive.

40GB of storage
blue backlit LCD
environmental audio settings
battery life is phenomenal, I can run this thing during my work day for nearly a week before it needs to be recharged.
always used in the case that came with it
plastic still over over the LCD so ZERO scratches.
can be used as a mass storage device/external portable hard drive on Windows computers

What I will include:
mp3 player unit
power adapter
USB cable (if needed)
-no software is needed (drag and drop your files in WindowsXP) or you can download software from creative labs website

*Notes: This unit runs off a a laptop hard drive so there are moving parts (not solid state). This is good and bad: while these units are pretty sturdy dropping it down a flight of stairs would probably kill the hard drive (unit has never been dropped). The GOOD thing about this is if your even slightly technically inclined there are detailed instructions on the net on how to upgrade this unit to a larger hard drive for more storage space. This unit would easily integrate into any car audio setup. You could probably hard wire the power or just recharge it when needed. I would have done this myself but I don't have aftermarket audio in my car.

Why am I selling?: A friend of mine is selling his ipod and I would like to put the money towards that. This creative unit cannot be used as a mass storage device in OSX (mac) which I am primarily using now. I also want something with video for those summer days working alone in empty buildings doing repetitive maintenance/upgrades.

Here is a link to some images and a review of this unit...if you click through the pages of the review it gets into more detail and more images:

Asking $150 +shipping firm on price.

Thanks for looking!