Onyx, my African Giant black millipede was active last night, so I took some fun shots. I have had a total of five of these guys, and besides the fact that they migh creep some people out, i think they make excellent,easy, low maintenance pets...even for kids.


in her cage...

on this closeup, you can see a little critter looks like a tick...It's a commensal mite, and all giant blacks have them crawling inbetween their legs. The mites are harmless; they actually serve as the millipede's own "clean-up crew", feasting on bits of food and dried feces(yum).
...I looove my snakes, but creepy crawlies also fascinate me, as i have had several scorions, tarantulas, walking sticks,moths, etc,. over the years. I would highly recommend one of these guys to someone who wants an inexspensive, extremely low maintence pet that can live in a small space and doesn't require supplemental heating. You can evn hold em', they don't bite, and guess what??? they only eat veggies!!!! (yay no crickets!)