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Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
I moved a few months ago to a house and the new house doesn't keep up the heat very well compared to my apartment (and its not even December yet). Usually, I got by with just two UTH pads and that was it. However, now the ambient room temps are dropping into the low 70's and high 60s. I predicted this so I had a space heater to heat the room to 76-77 but that wasn't sustainable since it was running near constantly. I set up a heat lamp above her cage a few days ago. I also threw a piece of wood on top as well to help block the lamp from heating the cooler side as well and a towel so the colder room air doesn't flow in too fast. There is about an inch gap where the towl does not cover up to aid air flow. For the past few days my temp gun has been reading 88-92 on the warm side (the higher temps are when I'm home and in the room on my PC because it brings up room temp) and 77-81 on the cool side. It's not visually appealing but I think this might have to be my winter set up. I'm of course open to other ideas as well if you have any.
My questions are:
1. Blue vs red light... Should I be using red light only or is a blue light fine as well? A friend gave me the blue light so that's what I had on me. I did pick up a spare red light though yesterday.
2. I remember a long time ago I read something about BP's being fatally allergic to some type of wood. If that's true, I'm concerend with the wood I threw on top since I don't know the type. Do they have an issue with a certain wood and if they do, would you think the way I have it set up could be a problem?
3. Do you see any other potential issues with the set up?
The Following User Says Thank You to lX V1P3R Xl For This Useful Post:
1) Looks like Python regius is relatively insensitive to red light, and very sensitive to blue light:
Personally, I would use a non-light-emitting heat source.
2) The wood you're probably referring to is cedar.
" I'm of course open to other ideas as well if you have any." The reasonable setup for a cool room would be a PVC enclosure with a radiant heat panel. This gives a decent heat gradient, and holds humidity. An Animal Plastics T8 is a decent price, ships more quickly than their other items, and is a fine size for a BP (some keepers like to provide more height, and that's good too).
The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Malum Argenteum For This Useful Post:
bcr229 (11-25-2024),dakski (11-25-2024),GoingPostal (12-01-2024),Homebody (11-26-2024),Lord Sorril (11-25-2024),lX V1P3R Xl (11-27-2024)
Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
 Originally Posted by lX V1P3R Xl
My questions are:
1. Blue vs red light... Should I be using red light only or is a blue light fine as well? A friend gave me the blue light so that's what I had on me. I did pick up a spare red light though yesterday.
2. I remember a long time ago I read something about BP's being fatally allergic to some type of wood. If that's true, I'm concerend with the wood I threw on top since I don't know the type. Do they have an issue with a certain wood and if they do, would you think the way I have it set up could be a problem?
3. Do you see any other potential issues with the set up?
I did glass tanks for several years.
1. Don't use any light-it is wasted energy (unless the room has no natural light source). Get a Ceramic Heat Emitter (CHE) and a corresponding appropriately rated wattage housing. For a 20 gallon you probably want between 120-150 Watts. Use a glue gun and *glue* your CHE thermostat probe to the wall inside of the enclosure at a little below mid-height. Never use tape. Your ambient target on a glass tank setup would be 82-84F. Invest in a proportional thermostat for the Heat Emitter-it is worth the money since 'on/off' ones kinda suck (in comparison).
UTH and heat emitter should both be on separate thermostats and/or separate zones. UTH thermostat probe should be sandwiched between the heating mat and the outer bottom of the tank as well. UTH should be targeting 88-90F, and ideally would cover 1/3 of the floor space.
Get a temperature gun to measure surface temps and make sure that no point in the enclosure is above 90F at any time
2. That looks like a 20 gallon critter keeper. Put the aforementioned CHE on the wire screen mesh on top on one side, and then use plastic wrap (away from the CHE) and cover the top lid of the enclosure leaving the opening for the heater. The plastic wrap is to maintain moisture. You can additionally cover the plastic wrap with whatever you want for insulation, but, nothing that has a scent (including wood-cedar/pine/or otherwise anything with aromatic phenols).
3. Your water feature is shallow. I would suggest something deep enough for the ball python to completely submerge its body. Water temp. should be between 78-85F...and so the bowl should be strategically placed in the enclosure near the heat emitter.
You can use rigid insulation board and cover the sides of that glass tank to better retain heat.
Anyhow, my
Last edited by Lord Sorril; 11-25-2024 at 10:41 PM.
*.* TNTC
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Lord Sorril For This Useful Post:
Homebody (11-26-2024),lX V1P3R Xl (11-27-2024),Malum Argenteum (11-26-2024)
Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
 Originally Posted by lX V1P3R Xl
Do you see any other potential issues with the set up?
You need a pvc/plywood enclosure. Your glass enclosure won't hold heat well, and your house gets too cold. While you're waiting for your pvc/plywood enclosure to arrive. You can insulate the sides with foam poster board that you will likely find at your local drug or office supply store. You should also cover the screen top with aluminum heat tape leaving just enough room for your heat source. In a cold or dry house, ventilation is not your friend. Since you'll need to leave your heat source on day and night, something that doesn't emit light would be best, like a CHE. Good luck.
1.0 Normal Children's Python (2022 - present)
1.0 Normal Ball Python (2019 - 2021)
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Homebody For This Useful Post:
bcr229 (11-26-2024),lX V1P3R Xl (11-27-2024),Malum Argenteum (11-26-2024)
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Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
Reading all this, it sounds like the problem is going to be much more complicated than I was originally thinking. I was hoping not to spend a bunch of money since I essentially drained the bank buying the house, but I don't think I'm going to have much choice. Plus, I am a bit worried concidering it hasn't REALLY started to get cold yet (Wisconsin).
Before I order from Animal Plastics, the lighting in the room is pretty weak. Would you recommend getting their LED lighting option for me to switch on while I out for work every day or is that too bright for them?
Also I am a visual learner, does anyone know of a good tutorial video (or forum post) on how to install the heating system and everything I need to get? I looked on here and there's an old post from 2012 on here from The Serpant Merchant but a bunch of the key pictures must have gotten lost over time and don't show up.
I'm thinking of the T3. The rooms in the house aren't big and I think the T8 that Malum Argenteum linked would be close to hitting the door if my measurements are correct.
I could also try to see if I could fit something together like Lord Sorril mentioned, but by the sound of it Sorril gave up on glass cages likely for similar problems. Unless you all think that method would be fine too, I should probably just bite the bullet and get PVC now.
Last edited by lX V1P3R Xl; 11-27-2024 at 08:44 PM.
I have never tried the APC lighting. I use some older undercabinet LED strips, not turned up too high (dimmable 12vdc lights are best for inside an enclosure).
Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
 Originally Posted by lX V1P3R Xl
Reading all this, it sounds like the problem is going to be much more complicated than I was originally thinking. I was hoping not to spend a bunch of money since I essentially drained the bank buying the house, but I don't think I'm going to have much choice. Plus, I am a bit worried concidering it hasn't REALLY started to get cold yet (Wisconsin).
Before I order from Animal Plastics, the lighting in the room is pretty weak. Would you recommend getting their LED lighting option for me to switch on while I out for work every day or is that too bright for them?
Also I am a visual learner, does anyone know of a good tutorial video (or forum post) on how to install the heating system and everything I need to get? I looked on here and there's an old post from 2012 on here from The Serpant Merchant but a bunch of the key pictures must have gotten lost over time and don't show up.
I'm thinking of the T3. The rooms in the house aren't big and I think the T8 that Malum Argenteum linked would be close to hitting the door if my measurements are correct.
I could also try to see if I could fit something together like Lord Sorril mentioned, but by the sound of it Sorril gave up on glass cages likely for similar problems. Unless you all think that method would be fine too, I should probably just bite the bullet and get PVC now.
Bite the bullet and get PVC. You will be happier and your snake definitely will be.
You will save money on heating the tank because of how well insulated it is and how efficient RHP's are. You will also be able to hold humidity in.
3X2' is fine for a normal size BP. I have a 4X2' for my female BP who is a bit over 4ft and 1.8kg, but it is part of a stack including a Carpet Python and I have the room. 3X2' is good for up to a 4-5ft BP. It will also be a little easier and cheaper to heat.
LED is fine and most have a remote where you can dim the LED. Your BP will hide during the day for the most part anyway. I keep lights on in some of my tanks (Blue Tongue Skink and Carpet Python for example), but I do not for my BP. If you want to save money for now, I would consider holding off on a light and getting an above adequate RHP for when it's really cold and a good thermostat. Those two you cannot live without. A light you can.
AP might have videos on how to install an RHP or can tell you where to look.
Make sure that the entire tank fits on your table (or you might need a piece of plywood, etc.). PVC tanks will warp if not fully supported.
If you are uncomfortable installing all the pieces, there are other cage manufacturers who will install them for you and ship the tank put together, heating elements installed, etc.
However, it should not be that bad.
Last edited by dakski; 11-27-2024 at 11:43 PM.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to dakski For This Useful Post:
Homebody (12-01-2024),lX V1P3R Xl (11-29-2024),mistergreen (11-28-2024)
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Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
What are your recommendations for the heating? What do you use on yours?
The heating situation is what I'm most concerened about. I've been doing research and I'm finding a lot of conflicting advice. I also looked on AP and they don't have any videos on how to set up heat in T8's or T3's. They use flexwatt heat tape on their rack videos, but I've been seeing a lot of people recommend not to use heat tape (including Lord Sorril above). That being said, some of the random instructional videos I have found are using the flexwatt heat tape haha. It gets confusing on what is actually the right thing to do.
With the heating issues in my place looking to be dropping into the high 60's, would it be better to do the flexwatt heat tape, a UTH, or a RHP?
Also, any thermostat recommendations? The one I have is a basic on/off, but gets the job done. I'm not sure if something better would be required.
Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure I do it right the first time if I'm spending all the $.
Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
 Originally Posted by lX V1P3R Xl
With the heating issues in my place looking to be dropping into the high 60's, would it be better to do the flexwatt heat tape, a UTH, or a RHP?
Also, any thermostat recommendations? The one I have is a basic on/off, but gets the job done. I'm not sure if something better would be required.
An RHP is the heat source for this sort of situation. VE models are fine in my experience, though Pro Products Pro Heat panels are generally regarded as higher quality and more reliable; I have some of these too and they're good.
Herpstats are the only thermostats worth using, in my opinion and experience. I just replaced another VE unit within the last week, and I have one more that's getting a little glitchy. Other lower priced simple thermostats don't have the safety features of the Herpstats, so they're not a good choice.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Malum Argenteum For This Useful Post:
dakski (11-29-2024),Homebody (12-01-2024),lX V1P3R Xl (11-29-2024)
Re: Temp Problems - Thoughts on what I did?
I will add that if it is 60s there, you might want to consider heat tape as well. It is probably not necessary, but you could install it in addition to the RHP and run it off a different thermostat, or a thermostat that handles more than one device.
I think you will be okay, especially in a 3X2X1' PVC enclosure. You can always add heat tape later.
I run heat tape and an RHP in my tanks. RHP heats the air and the ground and heat tape heats the ground only. You definitely want an RHP for warming the tank, the question is do you want more control over the temps and the ground temps?
I will add most people do not do this and I have a lot of thermostats. My tanks are dialed in and in the winter my room is high 60's. I am speaking to my experience and being very cautious about making sure everything is correct for my animals. Probably being overly cautious and overcomplicating things, but I am good at that.
Start with the RHP and see if it is enough. Heat tape is easy and cheap to add later. Herpstats are great and that makes a lot of sense. They are running a Black Friday deal now as well.
Herpstat 1 is perfect for one heating element and the herpstat 2 would give you flexibility if you want to add another later. However, it is more costly.
Do not skimp on the thermostat! Buy one good one instead of having to replace mediocre ones, or worse, a snake. Remember, 60s will not kill your snake. 98F+ will.
Order of importance when setting up a tank:
1. Thermostat
2. Heating element(s)
3. Tank
4. Substrate and hides.
Keep asking questions. We are here to help.
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to dakski For This Useful Post:
GoingPostal (12-01-2024),Homebody (12-01-2024),lX V1P3R Xl (11-29-2024),Malum Argenteum (11-29-2024)
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