Falkor is being SUCH a sweetie. He came out earlier than usual for after a feed and hung out at the top of his bonsai. He watched me wander around getting stuff done, just chillin. I could tell by his belly that he'd digested his food pretty good, so went ahead and scooped him which he let me do without any of his usual fleeing.

I worried for a minute (as I often do about everybody) that he might be sick, because he always goes very limp when I first pick him up. But within minutes he was Mr. Adventure! All over my hands and arms and checking everything out, strong little tail curling around my thumb. /(^v^)\ SO gorgeous with his bright new skin. I tried to snap a few pics, but as always the camera keeps focusing on the background and not on him. You can see Falkor's bright colors pretty well anyway. Hard to do with a handful of Falkor too, lol.

Then, miracle of miracles after I put him back in his tank he *didn't* make a bee-line for hide! He just crawled off my hand and cruised around his tank for a while before heading back up to chill in the bonsai branches. Wow, is he relaxed! *melts and feels loved* Words cannot describe how much I love our little prince. He's been watching me all afternoon too while I changed bunny litter etc. Resting his little chin on his hide moss just inside his bonsai hide. Cute as a button, and darling as hell. My step-mom-in-law was trying to understand the appeal of snakes when she was over, and I really wish I could have put it better for her. It's really hard to explain how my heart warms over for the silly little guy.