My ~2yo female is in a PVC enclosure with a heat panel on the ceiling. Where the power cord comes in to connect to the heat panel has a very short gap between the cord connection to the panel and the ceiling (I hope I'm explaining this well, I can draw a picture). I assumed she would be unable to get in there and wouldn't want to mess with it, but I caught her twice the other night with her head threaded through the gap and six or so inches of her neck forced through. She backed out in a hurry both times and seemed uninjured but if she tries to squeeze any farther she can potentially be stuck. The sides of the heat panel are cool so she's not burning herself by touching the side but I don't think being in such close quarters to the panel and jamming her head into this little gap is a good idea - does anyone know of something I can plug the gap with that will stick to the PVC and still allow me to unplug the panel if I need to? I like this enclosure a lot but she's been relentlessly messing with the thermostat probe and panel and is stressing me out.