Hi all,

For a bit of context, I have a nearly 5 yr old T+ Albino Blood. I got her young and she seems like an overall healthy, stress-free snake. She never misses a feeding and has never had any issues with her food, she drinks regularly, normal bowel movements, good weight and muscle, no mites, no wheezing ect... I keep a close eye on her environment as far as humidity and temp. go. She's active and curious at night and rests during the day, never strikes or hisses when being handled and is over all calm and curious.

So, she seems, as I said, a healthy snake and has been that way as long as I've had her.

But very recently (about the last couple of weeks) she's been behaving differently at night, just new behaviors I don't see her typically exhibit and its kinda making me concerned.

1) She's seemed extremely restless in the evenings. She does laps around her enclosure, swims around in her bowl a bit, goes into her hides, comes back out, over and over again. Her tongue is flicking the entire time and she goes around and touches everything. And she does it till morning too. She's been active in the past but not to this extent.

2) She keeps pokin' around the top of her enclosure for long periods of time, which again she hasn't done before so it makes me wonder if she's stressed about something I'm just not noticing?

3) She's been moving her head and neck strangely. Before anyone becomes alarmed, no she's not stargazing. Her head isn't going up and back for long periods of time and she's not having issues keeping balance. But for some reason, she'll lift her head up and move it around to sniff things, but when she does her head moves in a sort of twitchy or jerky motion. It looks somewhat mechanical and robot-like if that makes sense. Her head also seems to bob and shake sometimes as well. She also does this thing where she contracts her neck into an S shape for a minute, and then she starts squeezing and contracting the muscles in her neck so hard that she starts to shake. She stops after doing that for a minute and then hangs out for a minute, and then repeats the whole cycle.

The last thing is what concerns me the most because I've just never seen her move like that. Anytime she's roaming around and looking at things, she's been pretty fluid and smooth about it. But now she tenses up like that a lot and it just looks so harsh and uncomfortable.

So yeah, this may all be nothing and I'm just being a typical worried snake owner (I've had a few snakes and other critters but not enough to call myself an expert). If however, anyone has any ideas on anything or notices something I haven't, any advice would be welcome. Or the assurance that its nothing to be worried over.
