The RHP get's so hot it burns me in seconds if I touch it. And if I set the heat lower it won't reach the bottom and the snake so it needs to be hot above to get the proper heat in the enclosure. My snake is a baby and he is long enough to climbe the whole side of the wall to tge top lid by using just the tip of his tail to steady him. And of course if he puts his hole body on the wall with almost nothing to hold on to he falls when he losing grip. What can I do about it? I can't order him not to climb. He climbs very actively.
And sorry but If I remove the mesh he WILL try to climb to the panel every day and even if he just puts his snout on he will burn himself. And even worse he will very likely try to wedge himself in the gap between the panel and the cealing. He doesn't fit in but can still put parts of his body or face in. And he will do it I know his personality.
And even though it sucks at the moment I'd rahter he just scratched himself a little instead of burning his face.
There may be balls that don't climb up or are not interested but mine certainly does and I have tried hard to make it as safe as I could for him.